Go in Peace – A Film

Go in Peace – A Film

Image ID: A tattered armed forces of the United States ID Card showing a tealish-green border, eagle graphic, and Marine Corps text. A black and white picture of a young white male with dark hair is in the middle of the ID with the printed name Gary F. Baker, and...
Ageism Much?

Ageism Much?

The search for the fountain of youth is an age-old tale. This recent bio-tech article makes it clear just how off-putting the idea of aging is for some, and how desperately we want a “cure.”  “David Sinclair, a geneticist at Harvard Medical School, is one of...
Piss & Vinegar

Piss & Vinegar

Once after one of his many brushes with death, my father filled out a Five Wishes packet. Under “If anyone asks how I want to be remembered, please say the following about me:” he wrote, “He worked hard at being a good person. It was really a battle for him.” He...
Mi Rosa

Mi Rosa

When I told Chelsie my “Mi Rosa” story after returning from my honeymoon in Cancun, we laughed a very good, good laugh. I am emotional and sentimental at heart. We all know this. Upon landing in Mexico, I was given a beautiful, light pink, almost peachish rose, and it...